About Jeff

Jeff sadly passed away in 2017 but left a rich legacy both in the lasting effects of the work he put in with local organisations and the information on this website.

Life before the accident

Jeff had been born and bred in Handsworth, Sheffield. He was an extremely fit and active member of the local area. He worshipped at St Joseph’s RC church on the same road as the primary school that he had attended and was an integral part of both the church football and cricket teams.

Life after the accident

He also played a large role with his local Scout Troop and was one of the organisers for events and trips out.  

In 1989, whilst cycling, he was in a collision with a car and suffered injuries that would change his life forever. After a prolonged period in hospital, Jeff returned home as a quadraplegic who’s life would be lead from a wheelchair. His only movement was to be able to turn his head and use one hand but not the fingers.

Jeff did not let this dictate his attitude to life. It was still there for the living and that was what he was going to do. With a new electric wheelchair he began to attend the groups with which he had been associated and offer advice and help.

Getting out into the countryside became a major pleasure.

About Audrey

Audrey trained as a nurse and spent the majority of her working life at the Royal Hospital in Sheffield and with the Trent Regional Health Authority

Life before the accident

Like most people, Audrey was not to know the way that her training and experience was to impact her life. As a qualified health professional, Audrey put her training and qualifications to good use in both Sheffield and Nottinghamshire until Jeff experienced his horrendous accident.

Without hesitation, Audrey decided that she would become Jeff’s chief caregiver and moved on from the daily rigours of professional nursing to the equally hard life or the carer.

Life after the accident

Life became a whirlwind of organisation. From the day to day running of their house to the new responsibilities of dealing with Jeff’s medical and social needs. Audrey’s skills became indispensable.

On top of this, she became Jeff’s driver. The pull of the countryside was prevalent for both Audrey and Jeff and having taken delivery of a specialist vehicle to safely transport her brother, they were off into the “wild blue yonder” and the website is one result.

Below is just a very small sample of the places that Jeff and Audrey have been to and written about. There are many more for you to sample within the site

A Few Places We've Been